Potential Research Topics

1.Use of Nuclear Energy

I want to research this topic because of the energy crisis we have in our world today. We rely heavily on nonrenewable resources and we have to find alternate sources. Nuclear energy seems to be safe and efficient yet we have very little to no practical use of it. It effects everyone in the U.S and other countries that require  energy to live the live we want to live. I know that if there is a flaw in a nuclear power plant or nuclear waste, the consequences would be large due the large amounts of radiation that could kill and harm others. Its controversial because if done properly it can be very beneficial and efficient but the risk of human life if an error occurs is a deal-breaker for some. I would need to find out more specifically how nuclear energy works and the pros and cons. I would like to reach environmentalists and researchers to perfect the process of nuclear energy have politicians fund this new resource.

2.3-Parent Embryos

I want to research this topic because it could be scientific breakthrough that could help a lot of mothers that have a mitochondrial disease. It could effect many mothers and their ability to have a healthy child. I know it requires 3 parents (2 mothers and a father). It could prevent the passing of mitochondrial diseases from a mother to her child.  Through research, I would need to find out the process and the safety of this procedure and its success rate if possible. Its morally an issue to have three parents and scientists and doctors can be seen as playing God and designing babies. I would like to reach mothers, scientists, and politicians to continue research on this topic.

3.Human subject Research

I want to research this because researching ideas and hypotheses on humans for those hypotheses concerning humans would be the most productive way to acquire knowledge about such hypotheses. I know that there are certain rules and regulations to human subject research and if these rules are broken there are serious consequences for the offender. I would have to find the exact limitations scientists have and if these limitations are too limiting or not limited enough. People disagree about this topic because morally humans shouldn’t be used as experiments. The world countries have history of human subject testing gone too far. I would like to reach scientists and those that are against human subject testing to see its benefits.


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