
My name is Edmund Liang. I’m from Queens, NY. This is my first year at Stony Brook and I’m majoring in computer science. I would also like to minor in digital arts. My parents would force me to learn a lot of instruments when I was little but I never liked just sitting in a chair and not moving around, so I stopped learning instruments. I like playing sports such as basketball, handball and cycling.

I don’t consider writing a strong subject for me. The most intensive writing pieces I’ve written were probably in AP Eng Literature and Language in high school. Other than those two courses, I never took a specific class geared towards writing. I usually have trouble putting my thoughts into words, so I usually struggle at writing. I don’t have a blog, but I always like reading other people’s blog. Their ability to write so well and not bore me always inspires me to write more, but I usually never do. I don’t typically do a lot of reading for pleasure other then reading the occasional news online somewhere. Maybe once in a while I’ll read a book, but I haven’t read one in a while. I remember buying a Nook a while ago so that I could read more, but I ended up selling it a few weeks after. I also signed up for the News Literacy course for the past fall semester, but I dropped it after a week. 🙂 I hope that this class will help me develop my writing skills and my interest in writing.

About me

My name is Grace Lee. I am an international student from South Korea. I transferred university from South Korea and came to here Stony Brook. I used to study Biology, and now changed my major into psychology. This is my second year in Stony Brook and the U.S. It is pretty tough to use English when I am studying. Also learning new cultures and meeting people from different cultures seemed pretty tough for me. However it’s getting better. Rest of my family members are in South Korea. My parents run their own business, and my younger brother, who is 12th grade, goes to high school in South Korea studying for Korean SAT.

As an international student, it was hard for me to read and write in English. I am getting used to it, but it is still hard. However, by attending classes in school, i figured out that i definitely like to read personal essays and autobiographies which I also enjoy writing. I also like to read novels and fictions. One of my favorite novels is Catcher in the rye.