research paper-update

what’s easy about writing this essay is  there are a lot of information about stress on the internet. what ‘s not easy about writing this essay is the conclusion. i want the conclusion to be about how people should deal with stress, what they can do to reduce the effect of stress on them . the research i found suggest that the way people see stress is relevant. people who think that they are under a lot of pressure , tend to be affected the most. so all the harm of stress , for example, heart disease,diabetes, eating disorder, anxiety, depression, undermining performance, may all depend on how much pressure you feel. It ‘s possible that someone who is under a lot of pressure but don’t feel that they are to be not affected by stress. I just think does this make my claims about the harm of stress less convincing? i feel like maybe i am not answering the question is stress good or bad for you, because it’s is a matter of how you see stress.

One thought on “research paper-update

  1. I do not think it is a problem. I think what you point out is not only about its harmful sides, but also the solution which is to realize the stress and control it. You can built you paper as a problem-solution model?It is not bad.

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