
Mythbusters is a popular science entertainment show that airs on the Discovery Channel. The two main hosts are Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, who are both special effects experts. In their show, they incorporate aspects of the scientific method to validate or debunk many different myths, rumors, scenes, and stories.

In Mythbusters, watchers are able to see experiments and materials being conducted and used that one rarely encounters. The show starts with a myth, belief or rumor that is going to be tested (ex:  a human tooth can be made into a bullet that is accurate, lethal and undetectable after it shatters on impact) and then comes up with a result whether it is busted, confirmed or plausible. Both Adam and Jamie have lots of humor and always provide lots of excitement when conducting their experiments. Frequently, they will have competitions between each other to see which one can build up a better representation of the model that is going to be tested for the myth, belief or rumor. They are occasionally playing around with explosives and fast moving objects which makes the show very interesting. All these different aspects of the show contribute to getting people more attracted to what they are doing and possibly develop an interest for it. In addition to all the explosions, crashes, and firearms, they do a very good job of portraying the actual events of the experimentation with astounding visual displays/effects with high speed cameras for example. The workshops that they work in provide a very interactive type of laboratory; something that Carl Sagan preaches.

Being a popular show on a popular TV channel, allows it to attract a wide range of audience. With a mostly hand-ons approach in the show, many people can see through this show just how fun and exciting science can be and why is it such a vital part of society.