
My name is Edmund Liang. I’m from Queens, NY. This is my first year at Stony Brook and I’m majoring in computer science. I would also like to minor in digital arts. My parents would force me to learn a lot of instruments when I was little but I never liked just sitting in a chair and not moving around, so I stopped learning instruments. I like playing sports such as basketball, handball and cycling.

I don’t consider writing a strong subject for me. The most intensive writing pieces I’ve written were probably in AP Eng Literature and Language in high school. Other than those two courses, I never took a specific class geared towards writing. I usually have trouble putting my thoughts into words, so I usually struggle at writing. I don’t have a blog, but I always like reading other people’s blog. Their ability to write so well and not bore me always inspires me to write more, but I usually never do. I don’t typically do a lot of reading for pleasure other then reading the occasional news online somewhere. Maybe once in a while I’ll read a book, but I haven’t read one in a while. I remember buying a Nook a while ago so that I could read more, but I ended up selling it a few weeks after. I also signed up for the News Literacy course for the past fall semester, but I dropped it after a week. 🙂 I hope that this class will help me develop my writing skills and my interest in writing.